About Me
Hi, I'm Carolyn!
As a Registered Nurse with over 35 years clinical experience and credentialled diabetes educator with comprehensive knowledge of and experience with diabetes management and a special interest in type 1 diabetes, I am the right person to help you on your journey to healthy living and empowerment.
In 2008, I completed my postgraduate studies in Diabetes Education. In 2007, my journey into Diabetes education became a personal one, when my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 15.
Experiencing the challenges firsthand faced by clients and their families living with diabetes on a daily basis has given me the unique ability to understand what they’re going through. This has enabled me to approach my work with a focus on support, education and empowerment, and to deliver it with genuine care and compassion.
Personalised Diabetes support, tailored to you
My Diabetes support is personalised and tailored specifically to each individual, keeping in mind that everyone has a different journey with their own unique challenges.
I’m knowledgeable, friendly, approachable and free from judgement and believe that well-being encompasses more than just the physical and that a happy healthy lifestyle should be approached holistically. I encourage individuals with diabetes to take control of their own health and achieve their goals by teaching self-management skills to help them lead a fulfilling healthy, happy and active life.
Perth Private Billing Practice
My Perth practice is a private billing practice and I do not offer bulk billing. However, as a diabetes educator recognised by the National Australian Diabetes Educator Association, Medicare, Veteran Affairs and some private health funds, rebates are available for some of my education services.
I operate from Highclere Specialist Centre in Marangaroo, Hollywood Specialist Centre in Nedlands and SJOG Wexford Medical Centre in Murdoch.
Total Support Diabetes Education
Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions regarding my services.
For all fee enquiries, please see the Services tab at the top of this page.